Angelo Keder

Angelo Keder
Angelo Keder  Swedish Artist

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Angelo Keder is a 69 year old Swedish Artist born on 19th July, 1955 in Sweden. His zodiac sign is Cancer

Angelo Keder is a member of the following lists: 1955 births, Contemporary artists and Swedish people.


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First Name Angelo
Last Name Keder
Birthday 19th July, 1955
Birthplace Sweden
Build Average
Hair Color Salt and Pepper
Zodiac Sign Cancer
Ethnicity White
Nationality Swedish
Occupation Text Artist
Occupation Artist

Angelo Keder, born 1955, is a Swedish contemporary artist. Keder worked as a transcriber at the National Museum of Art in Stockholm (nationalmuseum), Sweden. He made his artistic debut in 1973 at Dickens Gallery, Lausanne, Switzerland and has since exhibited at a variety of commercial art galleries and art fairs worldwide, but he got his breakthrough in Sweden during the early part of the 1980s exhibiting at various spaces and locations. Among places he has exhibited in Sweden are the Stockholm Art Fair Sollentuna and “Lilla Bleu” gallery in Stockholm, Sweden. There he exhibited with artists such as Olle Bonniér and Peter Dahl.

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hollywoodfilms7hollywoodfilms7Nov 1, 2023

Angelo Keder, born 1955, is a Swedish contemporary artist. Keder worked as a transcriber at the National Museum of Art in Stockholm (nationalmuseum), Sweden.

GrownStrudelGrownStrudelNov 10, 2020

Can't find a good banner image for this user. Not even images of his 2 paintings that I could find are large enough to use

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