Anna Green Winslow

Anna Green Winslow
1759 - 1780
Anna Green Winslow  American Writer

Anna Green Winslow dating history


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Anna Green Winslow is a member of the following lists: American diarists, Women diarists and Colonial Records.


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Birthday 29th November, 1759
Died 19th July, 1780
Zodiac Sign Sagittarius
Nationality American
Occupation Writer

Anna Green Winslow (November 29, 1759 – July 19, 1780), was an American letter writer. A member of the prominent Winslow family of Boston, Massachusetts, United States, she wrote a series of letters to her mother between 1771 and 1773 that portray the daily life of the gentry in Boston at the first stirrings of the American Revolution.
She made copies of the letters into an eight-by-six-and-a-half-inch book (20 cm × 17 cm) in order to improve her penmanship, making the accounts a sort of diary as well. This diary, edited by 19th-century American historian and author Alice Morse Earle, was published in 1894 under the title Diary of Anna Green Winslow, A Boston School Girl of 1771, and has never gone out of print. It provides a rare window into the life of an affluent teenage girl in colonial Boston.

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