Darlene Zschech

Darlene Zschech
Darlene Zschech  Australian Singer

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Darlene Zschech is a 58 year old Australian Singer born on 8th September, 1965 in Brisbane, QLD. Her zodiac sign is Virgo

Darlene Zschech is a member of the following lists: Australian women singers, 1965 births and Australian singer-songwriters.


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First Name Darlene
Last Name Zschech
Alternative Name Darlene Joyce Zschech
Birthday 8th September, 1965
Birthplace Brisbane, QLD
Eye Color Green
Hair Color Blonde
Zodiac Sign Virgo
Ethnicity White
Nationality Australian
Occupation Text Singer, songwriter, pastor
Occupation Singer
Music Genre (Text) Contemporary Christian, Contemporary worship music, contemporary Christian music
Origin Sydney, NSW, Australia
Year(s) Active 1989–present
Instrument (text) Voice
Record Label Hillsong, INO, Integrity
Official Websites www.hopeunlimitedchurch.com/, http://www.darlenezschech.com/, http://darlenezschech.com/

Darlene Joyce Zschech (/dɑrˈliːn ˈtʃɛk/; born Steinhardt on 8 September 1965) is an Australian Pentecostal Christian worship leader and singer-songwriter who primarily writes praise and worship songs. Described as a "pioneer of the modern worship movement", she is the former worship pastor of Hillsong Church and is currently a member of Compassionart, a charity founded by Martin Smith.

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