Felipe Valdés Leal

Felipe Valdés Leal


Felipe Valdés Leal dating history


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Felipe Valdés Leal is a member of the following lists: 1899 births, 1988 deaths and Musicians from Los Angeles, California.


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Birthday 6th August, 1899
Birthplace Saltillo, Mexico
Died 17th August, 1988
Place of Death Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
Zodiac Sign Leo
Occupation Text Composer, lyricist, artistic director
Music Genre (Text) Ranchera
Year(s) Active 1923–1974
Instrument (text) harmonica
Record Label Brunswick Records, CBS Records

Felipe Valdés Leal (August 6, 1899 – August 17, 1988) was a Mexican composer, lyricist, and artistic director. Valdés Leal grew up enjoying ranchera music and in 1923, he relocated to Los Angeles, California to pursue a career in music. He worked at a record store, where he would engage in humming, subsequently transcribing lyrical content to accompany them. His first successful compositions were the whimsical track "Échale un Quinto al Piano" and "Lucio Vázquez", a recording that garnered particular acclaim among the Latino community. By 1925, Valdés Leal became the artistic director at Brunswick Records, a pivotal role he played in catapulting the careers of Javier Solís, Irma Serrano, Los Panchos, and Los Alegres de Terán. In 1947, he became the artistic director for CBS Records.

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