George W. Cole

George W. Cole
1827 - 1875
George W. Cole   Military

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George W. Cole is a member of the following lists: People from Syracuse, New York, People acquitted of murder and 1875 deaths.


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Birthday 26th March, 1827
Birthplace Lodi, New York, U.S.
Died 9th December, 1875
Place of Death Mora, New Mexico, U.S.
Buried Saint Vrain Cemetery, Mora, Mora County, New Mexico, USA
Zodiac Sign Aries
Occupation Military

George W. Cole (March 26, 1827 – December 9, 1875) was an officer in the Union Army during the American Civil War. His wartime commands included the 2nd United States Colored Cavalry, and he attained the rank of major general by brevet. In 1867 Cole was accused of murder after he killed L. Harris Hiscock, a member of the New York State Assembly. Cole accused Hiscock of an affair with Mrs. Cole; his first trial ended with a hung jury, and he was acquitted at the second on the grounds of "momentary insanity".

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