Horace B. Willard

Horace B. Willard Doctor


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Horace B. Willard is a member of the following lists: People from Oswego County, New York, 19th-century American politicians and 1900 deaths.


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Birthday 2nd May, 1825
Birthplace Volney, New York
Died 1st April, 1900
Zodiac Sign Taurus
Occupation Doctor

Horace Birney Willard (May 2, 1825 – April 1, 1900) was an American politician, physician, and businessman from New York City. A recipient of a state scholarship, Willard attended Geneva Medical College then established a medical practice in Aztalan, Wisconsin. Forced out of the profession due to poor health, Willard became engaged in several business dealings in nearby Fort Atkinson. Willard was an early member of the state Republican Party and served a term in the Wisconsin State Assembly.

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