Mauricio Fernández Garza

Mauricio Fernández Garza
Mauricio Fernández Garza  Mexican Business

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Mauricio Fernández Garza is a 74 year old Mexican Business Professional born on 2nd April, 1950 in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico. His zodiac sign is Aries

Mauricio Fernández Garza is a member of the following lists: 1950 births, Purdue University alumni and Mexican businesspeople.


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First Name Mauricio
Middle Name Fernández
Last Name Garza
Birthday 2nd April, 1950
Birthplace Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico
Build Average
Eye Color Brown - Dark
Hair Color Brown - Dark
Zodiac Sign Aries
Ethnicity White
Nationality Mexican
Occupation Business

Mauricio Fernández Garza (born April 2, 1950 in Monterrey) is a Mexican politician and businessman directly related to the Fernández Ruiloba wealthy and prominent family; owners of PYOSA (Pigmentos Y Oxidos SA). He was the mayor of San Pedro Garza García, former senator and current member of the board of Grupo Alfa, a Monterrey-based chemical, food and auto-parts producer. He is well known for his art contribution to Nuevo León.

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