Norman Newell

Norman Newell
1919 - 2004
Norman Newell  British Music Producer

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British Music Producer Norman Newell was born on 25th January, 1919 in London, England, UK and passed away on 1st Dec 2004 Rustington, West Sussex, England, UK aged 85. He is most remembered for E.M.I. His zodiac sign is Aquarius.

Norman Newell is a member of the following lists: Grammy Award winners, 2004 deaths and Officers of the Order of the British Empire.


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First Name Norman
Last Name Newell
Alternative Name David West
Birthday 25th January, 1919
Birthplace London, England, UK
Died 1st December, 2004
Place of Death Rustington, West Sussex, England, UK
Build Average
Hair Color Grey
Zodiac Sign Aquarius
Ethnicity White
Nationality British
Occupation Text Record Producer
Occupation Music Producer
Claim to Fame E.M.I
Music Genre (Text) Popular music
Music Genre Vocal
Year(s) Active 1945–2001
Music Style Cast Recordings, Stage & Screen, Soundtracks, Opera, Classical
Music Mood Producer

Norman Newell OBE (25 January 1919 – 1 December 2004) was an English record producer, mainly active in the 1950s and 1960s, as well as co-writer of many notable songs. As an A&R manager for EMI, he worked with musicians such as Shirley Bassey, Dalida, Claude François, Vera Lynn, Russ Conway, Bette Midler, Judy Garland, Petula Clark, Jake Thackray, Malcolm Roberts, Bobby Crush and Peter and Gordon. Newell was particularly known for his recorded productions of West End musicals.

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The Russ Conway Story1989SelfTV Show
Anything You Can Do1969SelfTV Show
All Systems Freeman1968Self - Guest CriticTV Show
Open House1964HimselfTV Show
Here Come the Girls1963SelfTV Show
Words and Music1958SelfTV Show
Opportunity Knocks1956Self - Record ProducerTV Show
This Is Your Life1955HimselfTV Show




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