Paul Child

Paul Child
Paul Child  British Football

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Paul Child is a 71 year old British Footballer born on 8th December, 1952 in Birmingham, England. His zodiac sign is Sagittarius

Paul Child is a member of the following lists: 1952 births, American soccer players and English footballers.


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First Name Paul
Last Name Child
Birthday 8th December, 1952
Birthplace Birmingham, England
Height 6' 1" (185 cm)
Build Athletic
Hair Color Blonde
Zodiac Sign Sagittarius
Sexuality Straight
Ethnicity White
Nationality British
Occupation Football

Paul Child (born December 8, 1952) is an English-American former soccer forward who played nine seasons in the North American Soccer League. He led the league in scoring in 1974 and was a two time first team All-Star. He also earned two caps with the U.S. national team in 1973. He is a member of the National Soccer Hall of Fame.

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