Richard J. Ussher

Richard J. Ussher Irish


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Richard J. Ussher is a member of the following lists: 1913 deaths, Ornithologist stubs and 1841 births.


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First Name Richard
Middle Name J.
Last Name Ussher
Birthday 30th November, 1840
Died 1913
Nationality Irish

Richard John Ussher (6 April 1841 – 12 October 1913) was an Irish ornithologist. Ussher was born at Cappagh House, Cappagh, County Waterford. He lived mostly in continental Europe but in 1866 he returned to Cappagh, married and thereafter divide his time between Ireland and Europe. He was initially interested in oology but later joined the Society for the Protection of Birds. He is best known for a seminal work on Irish birds written with Robert Warren-The Birds of Ireland. An account of the distribution, migrations and habits of birds as observed in Ireland, with all additions to the Irish list. Gurney and Jackson, London. (1900). He was one of the first authors to contribute to the Irish Naturalist (1892 The crossbill (Loxia curvirostra L.) in Ireland. Irish Naturalist 1: 6-9). Ussher studied the fossil remains of extinct avians and mammals at cave sites in Cos. Cork, Waterford, Clare and Sligo in company with English (Henry Seebohm, Howard Saunders, Andrew Leith Adams ), French and German ornithologists and vertebrate palaeontologists.

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