Filip Dewinter

Filip Dewinter
Filip Dewinter  Belgian Politician

Filip Dewinter dating history

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According to our records, Filip Dewinter is possibly single.


Filip Dewinter was previously married to Lutgarde Dewinter.


Filip Dewinter is a 61 year old Belgian Politician born on 11th September, 1962 in Bruges, Belgium. His zodiac sign is Virgo

Filip Dewinter is a member of the following lists: 1962 births, People from Bruges and Belgian atheists.


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Relationship Statistics

Married1 - - -
Total1 - -


First Name Filip
Last Name Dewinter
Full Name at Birth Philip Michel Frans Dewinter
Birthday 11th September, 1962
Birthplace Bruges, Belgium
Zodiac Sign Virgo
Nationality Belgian
Occupation Text Politician
Occupation Politician
Official Websites

Philip Michel Frans "Filip" Dewinter (born 11 September 1962) is a Belgian politician. He is one of the leading members of Vlaams Belang, a right-wing Flemish nationalist and secessionist political party. Together with Hugo Coveliers of the VLOTT party, Dewinter formed a list cartel for the city elections of Antwerp on 8 October 2006.

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Dating History

Partner Comparison

Filip Dewinter61 VirgoPolitician
Lutgarde Dewinter-


NameGenderBornAgeOther Parent
KarolienFemale26th February, 198935 years oldLutgarde Dewinter
An-SofieFemale20th May, 199133 years oldLutgarde Dewinter
VeroniekFemale16th August, 199430 years oldLutgarde Dewinter




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