Juan Manuel Urtubey

Juan Manuel Urtubey
Juan Manuel Urtubey  Argentinean Politician

Juan Manuel Urtubey dating history

Who is he dating right now?

According to our records, Juan Manuel Urtubey is possibly single.


Juan Manuel Urtubey was previously married to Isabel Macedo (2016).

Juan Manuel Urtubey has been in a relationship with Ximena Saravia Toledo.


Juan Manuel Urtubey is a 54 year old Argentinean Politician born on 6th September, 1969 in Salta. His zodiac sign is Virgo

Juan Manuel Urtubey is a member of the following lists: 1969 births, People from Salta Province and University of Buenos Aires alumni.


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Relationship Statistics

Married1 8 years, 5 months - -
Dating1 - - -
Total2 8 years, 5 months 4 years, 2 months -


First Name Juan
Middle Name Manuel
Last Name Urtubey
Birthday 6th September, 1969
Birthplace Salta
Build Average
Eye Color Brown - Dark
Hair Color Black
Zodiac Sign Virgo
Sexuality Straight
Ethnicity White
Nationality Argentinean
Occupation Politician

Juan Manuel Urtubey (born September 6, 1969) is an Argentine politician, lawyer, university professor and former governor of Salta Province. Formerly a senior figure in the ruling Front for Victory faction of the Justicialist Party (PJ) in the Argentine Chamber of Deputies and chairman of both the Constitutional Affairs Committee and the Peronist Caucus, Urtubey became governor in the 2007 elections, being only 38 years old. He was reelected in 2011 with almost 60% of the vote, and in 2015 with 51% of the vote.

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Dating History

Partner Comparison

Juan Manuel Urtubey55 VirgoPolitician
Isabel Macedo49 LeoActress
Ximena Saravia Toledo54 Pisces


NameGenderBornAgeOther Parent
MarcosMale199430 years oldXimena Saravia Toledo
LucasMale199727 years oldXimena Saravia Toledo
MeteoMale200024 years oldXimena Saravia Toledo
JuanaFemale200321 years oldXimena Saravia Toledo
BelitaFemale8th May, 20186 years oldIsabel Macedo




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